It's easy to get comfortable with a routine, becoming more and more comfortable until one day, you're bored. And you decide that you're willing to be a little uncomfortable if it means doing something different. But what to do? Here are some suggestions:
-Start reading a book that looks absolutely terrible
-Look up the history behind 2012 or holidays (haven't you always been curious about how a rabbit who hides eggs started sharing Easter with Jesus?)
-Practice walking in heels
-Think up a way you could make someone happier (like by making brownies for your best friend, or cleaning something up before you're asked to)
-Plan out a hypothetical life for yourself, as though some spirit guide came to you and asked you to just plan out your life, and that's what would happen.
-Mix up an awesome meal combination
-Look up the history behind 2012 or holidays (haven't you always been curious about how a rabbit who hides eggs started sharing Easter with Jesus?)
-Practice walking in heels
-Think up a way you could make someone happier (like by making brownies for your best friend, or cleaning something up before you're asked to)
-Plan out a hypothetical life for yourself, as though some spirit guide came to you and asked you to just plan out your life, and that's what would happen.
-Mix up an awesome meal combination
Today I'm thankful for new, clean socks, black raspberry vanilla body lotion, and DOING SOMETHING NEW (My sister Kelly is currently watching Pirates of the Caribbean. AGAIN).
Today I'm thankful for new, clean socks, black raspberry vanilla body lotion, and DOING SOMETHING NEW (My sister Kelly is currently watching Pirates of the Caribbean. AGAIN).
Hmm. I need to practice walking in heels... I'm definitely a flats girl.
Oh Kelly, didn't you just watch the Pirates movie yesterday? Silly girl.
"Spirit guide" whenever I hear that I'm gonna think of that janitor.
A book that looks absolutely terrible? I've already seen plenty of those!
The holiday thing seems interesting, I think I'll start Googling right now.
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